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  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 惠州市 惠东县 吉隆镇 惠州惠东县吉隆镇
  • 姓名: 金顺意鞋料行
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定



    本公司成立于2002年,主要经营各种PU\PVC合成革,鞋面革,箱包、手袋革。进口,国产金葱,珠仔,亮片格利特,印花,压纹,烫金镭射,彩虹PU,PVC等新鞋料、鞋材。 This company had been established in 2002, mainly manages each kind of pu/pvc synthesis leather, the shoes leather for shoe uppers, the box package, the handbag leather, the import, the domestically produced gold onion, the bead whelp, bright piece Glett, the dye printing, the embossing, the bronzed radium shoots, rainbow pu, pvc and so on new shoes material, shoes material 20 is suitable for the footwear, the box package and so on, and may coordinate the development, pulls according to the request and provides the specialized advisory service and so on For many years, identically has won the new old customerthe faith with the support, the product se.. (>>查看全部)
    主要市场 全国、广东、福建、浙江及中东欧洲等地区地区
    经营范围 公司主要经营各种PU\PVC合成革,鞋面革,箱包, 各种PU\PVC合成革,鞋面革,箱包、手袋革。进口,国产金葱,珠仔,亮片格利特,印花,压纹,烫金镭射,彩虹PU,PVC等新鞋料、鞋材